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What Is the Difference between the Bookshelf, Book Assignments, and the Book Bag? How Do They Each Work?

The Bookshelf includes the books a student can read independently. These levels are managed by the teacher at the individual student level. A book assignment is a book the teacher is asking the student to read instructionally (with the teacher or a parent). Assignments can be managed from either the group or the individual student setting. The Book Bag contains books that a student has just received instruction on and that they should now reread for practice. Books go into the Book Bag either when the student marks them as read or when the teacher adds them manually.

Here are some important notes about how these work:

  1. An assignment is only complete when the teacher marks it as completed.
  2. When a student reads an assigned book and checks it as read on the final page, it will automatically move to the student’s Book Bag.
  3. After a student rereads a book in their Book Bag three times (or two additional times if it’s an assigned book) and checks it as read on the final page each time, it will automatically move to the student’s Bookshelf. To ensure the book is marked as read, the student needs to close the book completely and then open it back up again for the subsequent reading.